How Flower Essences Help You Look in the Mirror
Many of us start out the day with taking a quick or too long a look in the mirror.
Most of the time we focus on seeing what we don’t want to see…dark circles, tired eyes, squishy skin, scary blemishes or extra bumps, moles, freckles or over things we may sigh when we see…
So for the rest of the day we are living with our first impression of the day. How does this carry over into any and all things we do? Do we put a tired face on at work? Do we judge ourselves extra harshly? Do we judge others? Do we wash our face, brush our teeth, fluff our hair and pinch a little here and there to add substance and color?
What if when you washed your face it washed a way the sense of fatigue and sameness? Hornbeam essences in your cleanser or sprayed on your skin may help to refresh how you face the day.
What if you washed away your sense of imperfection with Pretty Face essence? What if these essences added to your grooming helped you to embrace all of your attributes?
What if you washed your face with Crab Apple to feel more clean and fear than you ever have? What if you could add these essences to your daily purification regime?
What if changing your vibration in the most subtle of ways completely changed how you face your day?