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Five First Aid Flower Essences
As we prepare physically it is also important to prepare emotionally and energetically. I have put together five first aid essences which will fortify our emotional well-being and energetic immune systems. These essences will serve to keep us whole and healthy. This is a time of year where and when we prepare. We prepare for…
Blind Spots
When I do my readings, I explain to my clients that no matter how intelligent, capable , well read, intuitive and generally sophisticated and savvy we may be, we all have our blind spots. There are some things which we can’t see. We don’t even know what we don’t know. When we bought our first…
The Reason Why I Work With Flower Essences
The reason I work with flower essences is they “unstick” you. All of us, yes all of us get stuck on one thing or another. It may be anger. It may be getting over an old love. It may be not getting the “career” job that you worked for. It may be needing the long…